

“I cannot truly express in a short testimonial the magnitude of gratitude that I have for Regina and the work that I've found my way through with her as my guide and coach. I have spent years investing in my personal understanding of myself. Regina's approach, personal experience, support and love truly helped me collect and connect all of the pieces together. While my work is ongoing I now have a foundation that is stronger than ever, I have tools that I can trust and return to and I have Regina's always kind words of encouragement, validation and love in my head and heart. I often pause in challenging moments and think "what would Regina say to me in this moment?" I wish for all people the chance and great fortune of working with Regina. She has changed the way I love myself and I am forever grateful.”

- Kristin


“It was a gift to work with Regina. My expectations of life coaching were far exceeded after our work together. Regina not only created a warm and safe place, but she also embodied a wisdom, curiosity, and presence that allowed me to feel supported and guided through my inner process. I went into our work together hoping for a solution to a career dilemma. I came out of our work together with a realization that my dilemma had little to do with work. Regina's guidance through somatic experiencing created the space and time for me to feel and see what was holding me back from my career goals. After these realizations emerged, Regina gently offered ways to integrate this experience and these feelings so that I could be freed up to meet my career goals. All parts of me felt the truth in her words. Regina's intuition and grounded presence was equally matched by her level of knowledge and skill as a practitioner. I highly recommend her as a coach. Thank you, Regina!”



“My sessions with Regina are always exciting and have also been transformative. She uses techniques like "direct inquiry" and somatic healing. She's introduced me to body-awareness exercises that have helped alleviate physical tension and emotional stress. With our regular sessions, I could see how my reactive tendencies obscured the true nature of my concerns. The practices she walks me through often trigger a significant shift in my mental clarity. Her commitment to fostering self-empowerment is exceptional. She lives her teachings and is fun to interact with. Her ability to guide, challenge, and empower has been a great help to my overall development.”

- Bryan G


“Working with Regina has revolutionized the way I process my emotions and has helped me to reach a level of inner peace that I didn't know was possible. She guided me through processes that allowed me to deeply feel and embody my emotions, as well as connect with parts of myself that I had been avoiding for years. This helped me to completely embrace myself in the present moment with love. If you are ready to find inner peace and feel empowered to make big shifts in your life, I would highly recommend working with Regina.”



“Over the past year I've dealt with my handful of transitional periods. I stopped being my biggest fan and continued to let old wounds define my worth. Thankfully I had Regina, she guided me through such tough times. She genuinely cared about my well-being and held a space for me to be my most vulnerable, authentic self. Her coaching both supported and challenged me. Helping me grow and heal in ways I never thought possible. I'm so excited to continue with her through the new year and nurture my inner child while bettering my relationship with myself.”



“I had a tremendous experience being coached by Regina. I came into our sessions not sure if I wanted to focus on this thing or another thing. She immediately helped me to identify how they may be connected and working on one could really benefit the other. I felt such compassion and safety from her during our sessions. I felt so much support. I had a very profound session in which I felt a weight lifted off of me for something I had been carrying around for many years. What was really cool was that after our time together I was easily able to move forward with some goals I had previously felt stuck about. I didn't even have to try, I just effortlessly started doing them. It was a direct result of us moving through and dissolving some blocks. Regina is an incredible coach and guide. After one session, I had relief and positive movement forward in my life.”

- Tim B


“Regina is a powerhouse of wisdom, clarity, and healing! She is one of the most authentic, beautiful souls I've ever met and holds space SO incredibly deeply and powerfully. As someone with longstanding abandonment issues, Regina made me feel so supported, witnessed, and valued throughout the entire process and beyond! Regina always met me exactly where I was at and what was coming up for me in that precise moment, and I walked away from each session with a totally new perspective and clear action steps for integrating and healing. I've been infinitely better at voicing and standing firm in my boundaries since coaching with Regina and overcoming my "people pleasing" tendencies that Regina so lovingly helped me become aware of during one of our sessions 😂 And I am a more whole and authentic version of myself because of it. Forever grateful for the beaming light in the world that is Regina Breech!”

— Bre


“I had such a wonderful experience with Regina. I’d like to first preface that I have spent far too much money on therapy that has lead me nowhere. With even a short length of time with Regina, I was able to overcome a lifelong roadblock. Regina has a remarkable ability to not only ask the right questions, but to understand how to allow her clients to implement the meaning of their answers so growth can actually happen. I highly recommend.”


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“Regina’s coaching sessions are nothing short of transformational! I was blown away by her expertise in guiding me so deeply into places wanting to be revealed and healed. Regina navigates the terrain of one’s subconscious and psychological woundings with such grace and trust, I was able to tap into some deep insights and revelatory connections. This left me feeling clear, connecting to my purpose and empowered. The work with Regina is deep, wise and imminently powerful.”

— Cristy


“I have been working with Regina for a little over a year. She has helped me make some of my most pivotal changes that I knew I needed but could not find the courage or work through the fear to do. Some of these moves were leaving a job, having a hard conversation with a friend that was long over due, walking away from an unhealthy relationship and changing lifelong engrained habits. Regina really creates the space for me to come up with my own answers and connect to the energy and younger areas of myself that were holding onto these long outdated beliefs! So grateful to have Regina in my corner and highly recommend her to everyone!”



“Regina is nothing short of extraordinary-- if you want to feel empowered and energized immediately, I highly recommend working with her. Our first coaching session began with her listening deeply and then offering some very helpful insight, clarity and practical steps to deal with an issue I've been grappling with. But, then with some gentle inquiry, she very naturally and skillfully guided me and held space to go much deeper than I was expecting, allowing me to process and release the deeper issues that have been at play in my life recently. She is smart, intuitive, and deeply supportive-- I felt so loved, seen and safe during our work, and in 1 hour she was able to help me transform and move closer to the highest expression of my self. THANK YOU REGINA!”



“Regina is one of the most incredible coaches I have worked with. One thing that blew me away in my experience with her is her superpower for knowing the exact right question to ask in the moment. She is truly present and deeply engaged with whatever my process might be and I always leave sessions feeling invigorated - even if some of the work requires me to delve into uncomfortable or even painful emotions. She uses the body as a feedback tool and is so patient and present and I feel like I am really given the space to explore with curiosity places of tension in my body. Cannot recommend her enough!”

— Brooke


“Loved my coaching with Regina. She is a beautiful soul that holds incredible space for you to process the deep roots of what you are working through. I tend to come to most coaching completely unprepared for anything because I find it brings up the most beautiful conversations and I have to say working with Regina has been my all time favorite. She listened, she saw me, understood me, asked me powerful questions, and brought my straight into my heart. I'm holding myself in such a new way and I adore her for the time and energy she spent with me. I highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking to understand themselves more and take a closer look at how they are showing up for themselves in their life.”

— Jennifer


“Regina Breech is amazing and a great resource to have in these crazy times. I recommend her to all friends and family. I always felt our time to be goal oriented and useful. Regina is a great listener, extremely positive and supportive while also remaining honest and has a great sense of humor. She helped me build new practices into my daily life to show up more as my best self and to achieve my goal I had at the time of working together. Truly the best!”

— Audrey


“I always knew Regina had a special way of truly listening and responding with an honest open heart and balanced feedback. I was recently honored to professionally work with her as a client. She was amazing at holding space, listening, asking questions that really made me look at myself and go deeper than I had expected. My challenges are separation anxiety with my children and she helped me begin the journey of looking at the broader picture of this issue and working through it in the most positive way. I highly recommend working with her, it’s truly a gift. I always knew she would be a great coach and she’s proving to help people live their best lives. Thank you Regina!”

— April

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“Working with Regina was incredible. She is so kind and when you talk with her you can tell that she is actively listening to you and interested in what you are saying. Regina was able to help me feel empowered and excited to continue on my self healing journey. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with her. Her reassurance and encouragement in a truly authentic way made me feel at ease and connected. Thank you Regina for everything!”

— Jessica


“Regina has a unique gift to tap into your deepest parts of you. With her guidance, I was able to identify where to put my attention and focus in order to move forward in my personal and professional life. Regina's loving and supportive coaching has shown be a whole new side of myself to embrace. I recommend Regina for anyone who is feeling stuck and willing to break through old patterns of thinking and behavior. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective. Thank you Regina for shining your light and holding the door of transformation wide open for me.”

— Brianna


“Regina is an absolutely amazing woman to work with. She comes from a place of deep understanding, compassion, and a big heart. She has never made me feel ashamed of how I feel, and her gentle but fun and joyful spirit encourages me to be more open every time I connect with her. Regina has a way of dissecting what you are saying that provides greater clarity and really finds out what the root of the feelings are. But she does this without me feeling like I'm being analyzed. She's natural and has a way of listening and connecting that brings change. She is SO joyful, SO real, and just a wonderful woman. Any moment of time you can spend with her is well worth it!”

— Amy


“Regina's gift specifically around spiritual teaching and healing is unprecedented! I've learned so much from her thoughtful questions and just the powerful space she can hold. Such an honor to work with her and in her space!!”

— Emma


“Regina is a gem of exquisite medicine. She holds such a beautiful space for my internal evolution. Reflecting my own inner wisdom and shadow in a way I was not able to see. She has a way of extracting the hidden gems of insight inside of myself I was blind of seeing. Offering insight and wisdom of her own to help me navigate the new insights. Regina is caring and very thoughtful. I felt held and safe in her space. Thank you Regina”

— Erin


“Regina is a wonderful coach - she's compassionate yet honest, and has a loving way of opening you up and helping you get to the root of whatever is going on so that you can become a better version of yourself. I highly recommend her to anyone who is willing to work through their holdbacks to create a life they truly love.”

— Eve


"Thanks to Regina Breech's expertise and depth of knowledge I have been able to live my most authentic life. Regina's coaching support has taught me how to unchain myself from self-sabotage, cultivate myself in an authentic/true way, to develop more wellness and health surrounding my abundant finances and so on and so on. She's an agent of change-mercy-grace. I owe so much to her wisdom and generosity.”

— Ashley


“Regina was referred to me by a family member. After a few minutes into our first session she had already exceeded my expectations. I was mostly in awe of her abilities to empathize and her quick demeanor when it came to suggestions in directing me to problem solve. She had some fresh ideas that I had never experienced before that have been long lasting since. I highly recommend Regina to anyone struggling with which direction to take in life, whether it be work based or personal. She is the best I've found!”

— Lauren


“Regina is an incredibly passionate and knowledgable healer. I highly recommend her to EVERYONE! We could all use her expertise in our daily lives and she gives you valuable tools and techniques to practice that will help you overcome those difficult humps. Having someone who is both compassionate and thoughtful to confide in is so beneficial for all of us on our paths to healing.”

— Jess


“Regina Breech is such a gem to have while getting a peaceful space held for you, and warm strengthening advice, and wisdom. At the end of her sessions, I feel like I am ready to tackle on certain things in my life that no longer serve me.”

— Monica


“Working with Regina comes with so much ease and flow. She has a gift for holding space, even when I've been in such dark and heavy spaces, she knew exactly what I needed to support me. I always feel so much lighter, free, and human after a session with her. Thank you Regina, for being such a lighthouse!”



"With the advice and knowledge provided by Regina, I have been able to to improve my outlook on life and increase the level of positivity in my life. She has provided me with tools to be able to make each day better than the day previous with better ways to love myself and those around me. Her combination of various spiritual teachings and forms of meditation are outstanding, making it easy to incorporate into each day. I would recommend her to anyone struggling with a certain issue or obstacle in their life as well as to anyone eager to improve their quality of life."

— Sarah


"Regina constantly kept me on my toes and helped me to reach new heights within my personal life, and business. The growth I have achieved by far exceeded what I thought was possible. I can’t wait for the next chapter of growth!"

— Heidi